Riffs - Underground Kicks

Riffs - Underground Kicks



Riistetyt - 4 Bastards in Sao Paulo

Riistetyt - 4 Bastards in Sao Paulo

(18 song, live)..


Riistetyt - Korppien Paraati

Riistetyt - Korppien Paraati

(new! Brazilian import)..


Riot Clone - Success

Riot Clone - Success

(sealed, all new great release!)..


Rise Against - The Black Market
Ritual Carnage - I, Infidel

Ritual Carnage - I, Infidel



Rockets Dead Glare - s/t

Rockets Dead Glare - s/t



Roger Miret and the Disasters - 1984
Rot In Hell - V/A

Rot In Hell - V/A

(with: The Varukers, Resistance 77, Oi Polloi, No Concern, and more)..


Rotten Blue Menace - s/t
Rotters - Pull it and Yell

Rotters - Pull it and Yell

(sealed, 12 songs)..


Rovsvett - Discography 1984-1987

Rovsvett - Discography 1984-1987

(sealed, 50 songs!)..


Royal Stakeout - Bring in the Beer

Royal Stakeout - Bring in the Beer

(sealed, Swedish import)..


Rupture/Nerds - Split
Ruts DC - Music Must Destroy

Ruts DC - Music Must Destroy

(All new material from these UK legends, sealed)..


Ruts DC - Rhythm Collison

Ruts DC - Rhythm Collison

(sealed, The Ruts)..


Sabrejets - Sin-Sational!

Sabrejets - Sin-Sational!

(Euro import, sealed)..


Sarcasm - Noise Bastards Vol. 1

Sarcasm - Noise Bastards Vol. 1

(a collection of splits and EP's by this early-mid 90's UKHC band)..


Satanic Surfers - Fragments and Fractions
Save Ferris - Checkered Past

Save Ferris - Checkered Past

(all new! sealed)..


Scene Killer Vol. 3 - V/A

Scene Killer Vol. 3 - V/A

(with: The Bodies, The GC5, The Casualties, The Adicts, Bonecrusher, Major Accident, and more. 30 songs)..


Schleprock - Learning To Fall

Schleprock - Learning To Fall

(Discography of old stuff from late 80's to 90's, 21 songs sealed, out of print [I got these from the band])..


Scott Reynolds (All) - Adventure Boy

Scott Reynolds (All) - Adventure Boy

(singer of All, sealed)..


Screeching Weasel - Anthem For...
Screeching Weasel - Emo

Screeching Weasel - Emo



Showing 601 to 625 of 1304 (53 Pages)